- Their size makes them hard to ignore. Their size contributes to a naturally engaging experience for clients and accomplishing tasks with these animals can provide clients with a high level of accomplishment and confidence.
- Finally, as prey animals, they have an innate focus on survival and safety. When dealing with a mental health issue or working through trauma or loss, our own survival needs and safety are high priorities for clients in treatment. Horses are highly attuned to their environment and this provides very real symbols for clients as they share space and observe the way horses exist in their environments.
A few reasons that the Eagala Model lists for why horses have such evidenced therapeutic abilities are:
- Horses, like humans, are social creatures that exist in a herd structure. Their survival and safety depends on their interactions within the herd. They have unique personalities and experience different moods and attitudes. Because of this, interaction with horses can mimic for clients experiences they may have with human relationships allowing for vast opportunities for metaphorical learning.
- Horses are incredibly resilient and persistent. There is often not "immediate gratification" in work with horses but instead clients see that they must care for and develop relationship with horses through consistent and repetitive interaction.